Due to the more complicated nature of this bleacher, it is 95% assembled for shipping. IMPORTANT: Spot quotes are used for shipping on this assembled bleacher. As such, all shipping quotes on assembled bleachers are for reference only and actual cost on day of shipping applies in all cases. In certain cases this bleacher can be shipped unassembled as per the customer’s request.
S.A.T. (Spring Assist Technology) folding bleachers offer a unique blend of portability combined with ease of folding for storage at a price that is competitive with many standard non-folding bleachers.
Springs counter balance the weight of the first three rows of seating. This allows one person to easily fold and unfold these seats in to the upper rows. The back section of the bleacher system is supported by 5” diameter wheels that provide portability on hard surfaces. All seats use 9 5/8” x 1 3/4” aluminum planking finished with clear or colored powder coat to prevent oxidation. Walk planks are 9 5/8” x 1 3/4” mill finished aluminum planking and are double wide.
Basic framing is all WELDED structural steel angle with bolted pivot points for folding. Cross bracing is bolted from frame to frame to improve bleacher strength for end shift loads. Framing is spaced on six foot centers. 1 ½” poly floor protectors are used on the bottom of the front frame to protect your finished court surface. Back safety railing is designed to fold for compact storage or for transport through lower door openings.
Five Row S.A.T. (Folding Bleacher)

Six Row S.A.T. (Folding Bleacher)